Monday, February 8, 2016

Super Bowl Commercial

1. What ad did you find most entertaining, and why? (You should be specific and give details here - what was the product and what about the ad made it so entertaining to you?)
The ad that I found most entertaining was the Doritos Ultrasound commercial. I thought that this was the most entertaining because they turned serious ultrasounds into a not so serious event when the husband showed up eating Doritos. The baby's hand following the chip that was being held above the mom's stomach made it hilarious, but the finishing touch was when the baby came out after the chip was thrown. There was not a single person in the room who wasn't laughing after watching that commercial.
2. What commercial did you find the most dull/boring, and why?
The ad that I found the most dull or boring was probably the Kia Walken Closet commercial. The beginning was kind of funny, but once they started talking about the car they had totally lost my attention. I liked the pun of the "Walken" closet, because it was Christopher Walken, and I liked the socks, but I went back to eating my pretzels and cheese as soon as the car showed up.
3. What about your favorite ad made it the most effective?
The humor in the Doritos Ultrasound made it the most effective for me. Typically the ads I remember from the super bowl were either cute, funny, or a combination of the two. This commercial definitely was funny and was kind of cute because it involved a baby.
4. What about your least favorite ad made it ineffective?
Car commercials typically either bore me or confuse me. This one was good at first, but at first mention of the car I was already bored and no longer paying attention to the commercial. At least this commercial did relate a little more to the car than most car commercials do now.
5. Did either of your commercials (favorite or least favorite) feature any famous people? Do you think that helped? Why or why not?
The Kia Walken Closet commercial did use a famous person, Christopher Walken. I think using him did help some because they could use his name to make a pun for the title of the commercial, and seeing a familiar face would make people want to buy something a little more depending on the commercial. However it was boring once they talked about the car.
6. What design elements or principles (lines, shapes, texture, color/color scheme, space, balance, contrast, etc.) were used in each commercial?
In terms of color they use lots of neutral lighter colors in the hospital with the only real color being the chip and the bag of Doritos, The main focus of the ad is the people, the chips, and the baby, so everything else kind of seems like negative space. It is a light color, so more attention is drawn towards the focus of the ad. In terms of contrast the main contrast, again, is between the Doritos and everything else. They were very careful with making sure that their product stood out in this commercial. In the beginning of the Walken Closet commercial everything is beige colored which makes the colorful sock stand out more when Christopher Walken is talking to him. It also gives them something to relate the Kia Optima to when they are advertising it. There are lots of very geometric shapes found in this add which is also meant to make the ad seem organized and boring like the beige color. There is definitely a big contrast between all of the colors in the closet and the colors that are around Christopher Walken and the ones that he is wearing. This commercial does a good job of making some things look bland, and making other things pop.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Business Idea

My business is called "The Professional Fangirl", and it is going to hopefully be a less creepy version of Hot Topic. The store would have merchandise for all kinds of music, books, movies, shows, etc. and it would also have those books, music, and movies available for purchase. Essentially you are combining Hot Topic with a Barnes & Noble/Netflix. There would also be quiet spots to read, rooms to sit and talk with others, and rooms to watch the movies/shows. It would be a comfortable environment to just go and relax, and people would also be able to buy clothes that show their interests. It would need to be much bigger than Hot Topic because that store gets very cramped very easily, and my business will be selling many more products than Hot Topic does.
"The Professional Fangirl"
Address: 2001 Fangirl Run Apex, NC 27523
Phone Number: 919 - 413 - 0602
Color Scheme: Gold, Black, White
Slogan: "If you can't even, we can."

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Snow Days

Over our snow days I mainly did homework for APHUG, which makes me very sad. Especially considering I still have a ton of work to do for that class. I slept in more than normal. I hung out with Carter Broome, I know you taught him last semester, on Friday. We played in the snow and tried to build a snowman, and that was all that I did in the snow for all of the snow days. On Saturday I did homework all day until Emma and her family came over. The homework that I spent all day doing was, you guessed it, APHUG. On Sunday I also spent the entire day doing work for APHUG and listening to Stressed Out by 21 Pilots because that song describes my life at the moment. Then yesterday I only spent about half of my day doing APHUG homework. The rest of the day I spent cleaning the house. So basically to sum up my entire time off: I did APHUG homework.

As far as the 3 hour delay goes, I think they made the right call. We would have just had to make the day up anyway, and we have only had 2 days of this semester so far. It's not like I wasn't busy doing school work over my time off anyway, so just go ahead and put me in school. Honestly at least this means that I didn't have to do APHUG all day. I actually get to go to the classes that I like. I think we definitely needed the delay considering that lots of campus, and the roads to get to school, had snow on them, but I don't think we should have missed the whole day. I just want a break from doing APHUG homework, and my other classes are giving me that break.